Sunday, April 5, 2009

Graphical add/commit in Bazaar without the slowness of TortoiseBZR

How can you quickly & easily pick which files you want to add to Bazaar?

I've had too many painful experiences (not Bazaar's fault) of going "bzr add", and then discovering that amidst the dozens of files I DID want to add, there were a whole bunch that I DIDN'T.

Removing them is a bit of a pain - I tend to use very long self-descriptive folder names and file names, so if a big "bzr add" operation added dozens of files, and I needed to manually remove perhaps a dozen or more, it was very time inefficient.

Fortunately, Bazaar has the answer! I just didn't discover it until yesterday.

bzr qadd

That little "q" at the beginning of the "add" command brings up a GUI window, allowing you to very quickly & easily select exactly which files you want added.

Bazaar, I love you! :o)

P.S. You can also use "bzr qcommit", which is a FABULOUS way to do a partial commit. And "bzr qdiff" if you want a diff that is easier to read than "bzr diff".

UPDATE : The preceding works fine if you used the Windows installer for Bazaar. If you are using Linux, you need to install a Bazaar plugin called QBzr - see bialix's comments on this article.


Raindog said...

You should probably tell people that QBzr is a plugin they will need to install themselves...

Verbose Philosopher said...

Are you sure about that? I used the Windows installer (1.12-2 or 1.13rc1, I forget which), and all this stuff came with it. I haven't installed any Bazaar plug-ins manually.

But maybe the Linux versions are packaged differently?

bialix said...

TortoiseBzr actually uses QBzr plugin as GUI front-end. So Windows standalone installer has QBzr bundled inside.

If you're don't using standalone installer on Windows, or your machine running Linux, you have to install QBzr separately.

QBzr plugin is also bundled in Mac OS X installers, but it lacks Qt/PyQt libs, so you have to install Qt on Mac yourself.

Verbose Philosopher said...

Thanks for that detailed info, bialix! I've added a note to the article.