Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Flash, translate transform, and x/y co-ordinates

"Self Documenting Code" is my mantra - code that is intuitive.

Flash is not.

I lost yet another hour or two trying to get a simple translate transform working. The doco fails to mention that :

If you set x or y for a DisplayObject, it effectively overwrites any translate transform in the current transformation matrix for the DisplayObject.

I hate to be harsh, but you could at least mention this in the documentation! XAML transformations apply in addition to any x/y co-ordinates set on an object. Not so in Flash.

And so if you apply a transformation, and then set a DisplayObject's x/y properties, you might be puzzled wondering why the translation component of the transformation is not taking effect.

That's why.

It makes sense enough when you understand it, but it proves once again that Adobe is often worse than useless at writing documentation and at designing intuitive APIs. Why did I have to spend an hour or two figuring this out for myself? It should have been documented, or been more apparent in the API itself.

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