Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Automate Adobe Flash using VB.NET or C#

Adobe is very thin as usual on technical details, so I've had to poke around and try different things.

Here's what I've found :

* .NET can communicate directly with Illustrator, but not directly with Flash, nor with BridgeTalk.

* .NET can send javascript to Illustrator, including javascript which utilises BridgeTalk to communicate between Illustrator and Flash.

* So it is possible to automate both Illustrator and Flash using VB.NET/C#/other-.NET-languages, but it requires .NET <-> Illustrator <-> BridgeTalk <-> Flash.

* In VB.NET, you connect to Illustrator as follows :

Dim app As Object = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")

* To get Illustrator to run arbitrary javascript :


e.g. to get Illustrator to greet us :


* To get Illustrator to return a useful value from a script we have sent it, don't use the "return" keyword - just include the return value as the final expression in the script block.

e.g. :

Dim ReturnValueFromIllustrator As Object = app.DoJavaScript("1 + 2;")
MsgBox(ReturnValueFromIllustrator) ' Shows "3"

* The .NET <-> Illustrator leg is synchronous, even though the Illustrator <-> BridgeTalk <-> Flash legs are ASYNCHRONOUS. (Yeah - just to make life more interesting.)

Hmmm - in short, I wouldn't say it's "easy", but it is possible.

Maybe Adobe will enter the 21st century sometime and really make all their apps easily cross-scriptable, and their scripting engines a lot more robust. Until then...

... your brother in the pain of scripting Adobe products.

P.S. If you're using C#, or if you're using VB.NET and want a better Intellisense experience (and better runtime performance, and better compile-time checking) than just using VB.NET's CreateObject method, add a reference to the "Adobe Illustrator CS4 Type Library". Once you've done that, you can connect to Adobe Illustrator as simply as "Dim app As New Illustrator.Application" (or in C#, "Illustrator.Application app = new Illustrator.Application();").

1 comment:

man9ar00 said...

That API (for VB.NET) with CreateObject, should be same/similar to the COM API you can use with VBScript and Microsoft JScript (a variant of Javascript). Funny that Adobe labels the docs as Scripting Reference for VBScript rather than COM API scripting reference or something like that.