Friday, December 5, 2008

SQL Server 2008 Express Edition

I've just installed SQL Server 2008 Express Edition.

Thought #1 : It rocks.

I found SQL Server 2005 (particularly the SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express) to be VERY slow - you know, 10 second delay here, 10 second delay there. And btw, I'm using a very powerful machine.

None of that ridiculous stuff (so far) from SQL Server 2008 - bam! Responsive. Fast. I like.

Thought #2 : It's extremely unintuitive figuring out how to install SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express.

SQL Server 2008 Express Edition installed with my version of .NET Studio 2008 Express. But no Management Studio. I find Management Studio particularly useful, so I wanted to install it.

Problem #1 : It's now called Management Studio Basic instead of Management Studio Express.

Problem #2 : With SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, you could download and install the Management Studio separately. Turns out that option ain't available with SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. You actually have to download a 200MB+ install package that includes both SQL Server 2008 Express Edition and the Management Studio. That's not obvious, but once you know it, ok, you can move on...

Problem #3 : When you launch this installer, it is extremely unintuitive finding how to install just the Management Studio, given that (if you're in the case I was in) you already have SQL Server 2008 Express Edition installed and just want the Management Studio to be installed.

Many many MANY thanks to these guys who wrote an article which gave me just enough information that, with a bit of trial and error, I finally managed to triumph. If you're in the same boat as me, go to Installing SQL Server Express 2008 and it shows you the things you need to know. Kudos!

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